Bepanthene Eczema, Κρέμα για Ατοπική Δερματίτιδα / Έκζεμα ή Ξηροδερμία Χωρίς Κορτιζόνη, 50gr.

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15.60  13.26 

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Bepanthene Eczema can be used by the whole family, even on infants and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Bepanthene® Eczema cream (formerly Bepanthol Sensiderm Eczema) is a medical technology product and through its special cortisone-free formulation, it is used to relieve itching (itching) and redness caused by atopic dermatitis/atopic eczema or dry skin.< /p>

In atopic skin, the epidermal barrier is disrupted, and exhibits reduced cohesion. This results in continuous transdermal water loss, which causes the skin to dry out, while at the same time irritants and allergens enter the epidermis through the “defective” skin barrier. Bepanthene® Eczema interrupts the vicious cycle of itching-scratching and repairs the disturbed epidermal barrier of the affected skin.

Bepanthene® Eczema has a special composition, which contains:

Lipids in horseshoe layers just like those of healthy skin.
Provitamin B5