Bemini Magic Bag Organic Cotton Winter Sleeping Bag with Sleeves and Feet Color Gray 2.5Tog Age 4-36m, 1 pc.

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Would you like to be able to convert your baby’s sleeping bag into a sleeping bag with legs when he grows up? Bemini has the solution for you with the Magic Bag® sleeping bags, which with just one movement of a zipper, turn from a bag into a sleeping bag with legs! One of the few sleeping bags that, while looking “expensive”, is ultimately 100% value for money.

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The 2.5 tog is ideal for the winter temperature and for a room temperature of 16 – 19°C. It is padded with soft jersey fabric.

With all seams inwards for extra comfort and zip only to keep out small parts. The zippers have fabric safety at the closure to prevent scratches.
The legs open to play or stand up but also close if needed for a smaller baby.
Also, the slippers can be covered by turning the fabric and hugging the foot.
The sleeves go in and out easily as needed and the waist is adjustable so that it fits the child and does not have difficulty changing sides in his sleep.
The inside is 100% soft cotton.
All fabrics are OEKO-TEX certified or dyed with OEKO-TEX certified colors.