BabyDam, Bubble Separator to convert the large bathtub into a baby, White-Gray, 1 piece

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BabyDam, Bubble Separator to convert the large bathtub into a baby, White-Gray, 1 piece

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Now can we turn your bathtub into a small bathtub for your baby or child?

BABYDAM is a unique product that allows you to adjust the size of your bathtub to suit your baby’s bathroom needs.

Keep BabyDam closer to the tap to bathe the baby and move it back as your child grows up. With BabyDam you save water, energy, time and money and above all space.

It is placed on a smooth bathtub surface to allow the suction cups to adhere to the surface. If the bottom surface is rough or abnormal, BabyDam will not stay in place.

It is made of very high quality lead-free, phthalate-free, BPA-free, formaldehyde free materials and meets the EU and US safety standards for toys.

BabyDam is not a safety device and you should always remember to never leave your baby unattended in the bathtub.

Suitable for bathtubs:
Maximum bathtub interior width: 56 cm

Suitable from: 0+